Call for nominations of civil society delegates from Senegal, Ghana,
Cameroon, Burundi, Cote D'Ivoire, DRC by 31 July**
Dear ATHENA colleagues and partners:
From September 17-20, 2013, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, WHO, the
ATHENA Network, and Sonke Gender Justice with regional partners will
convene a regional workshop on *Strategies to integrate gender-based
violence and engage men and boys to advance gender equality through
national HIV strategies and plans.* ****
The meeting (which will have simultaneous English/French translation) is
the fourth in a series as called for by the UNAIDS Agenda for Accelerated
Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality, and HIV (Nairobi December
2010, Istanbul November 2011, Johannesburg 2012). Its purpose is to
increase attention and action to address gender-based violence in national
HIV strategies and plans and other critical policies, and to strengthen
partnerships for action on gender-based violence and the engagement of men
and boys for gender equality in the context of HIV. It will pay particular
attention to programming to address GBV and HIV in conflict and
post-conflict contexts, and will emphasize the importance of including the
needs and rights of young people in national responses. The workshop will
sharpen the capacity of multi-sectoral teams from Burundi, DRC, Cote
d’Ivoire, Senegal, Ghana, and Cameroon to integrate these issues into
national plans and strategies (including in humanitarian responses).
from Nigeria will participate as a resource country.
*Country Selection and Delegations*
Participating delegations will be comprised of representatives from across
government, the UN, and civil society. We are writing to request
nominations for civil society delegates as follows (noting that due to the
budgetary constraints, we will only be able to invite a very few of those
who are nominated):
**- **One civil society representative with specific expertise in
women’s rights and addressing gender-based violence,****
**- **One civil society representative from a network of women
living with or affected by HIV, and****
**- **One civil society representative from an organization
engaging men and boys for gender equality preferably with specific
expertise in addressing gender-based violence.****
UNAIDS West and Central Africa Regional Support Team, UNAIDS Interagency
Working Group on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV, the ATHENA Network,
Sonke Gender Justice, and other partners.
The ATHENA Network, in collaboration with all the partners, will be
responsible for the logistics, organization and coordination of the
meeting, including travel arrangements for the participants, with the
support and guidance of the UNAIDS RST.****
Please send through your nominations with a brief description of and
rationale for the nomination, including the specific contact details for
the nominated individual, no later than close of business on 31 July to
Luisa Orza ( and Tyler Crone (
Thank you!**
We look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your partnership. ****
Warm regards -
ATHENA, on behalf of the all the partners
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