Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you all to participate in the forthcoming "Regional Youth Development Summit- Post 2015 Agenda Sierra Leone to hold on 19th-21 March, 2013 @ the National Youth Commission Sierra Leone.
There is growing recognition that young people are important for development – to ensure that they realize their rights and potential as individuals and to build on their potential to contribute to the growth, development and stability of their societies. At the same time, there is concern that the marginalization and exclusion of young people can lead to a minority of youth engaging in unproductive activities, including violence. The Summit will examines the inequalities faced by youth, focusing on the ways in which different categories of young people are excluded from access to resources, opportunities and decision-making. It will consider the impact of these inequalities on individuals, their communities and wider society.
Theme to be addressed: "Putting Young People at the Heart of Sustainable Development"
ü Protect my future: The links between child protection and equity
ü AGE INEQUALITIES: are youth falling between the cracks of the MDGs?
Other topics related to youth issues
What have been the major hindrances and challenges in West Africa towards achieving the MDGs? Where did we do it wrong?
· What role have young people played in promoting youth-led development towards achieving the MDGs?
· Even after our efforts of 12 years trying to eradicate poverty, why do we still have more than 218 million people living in extreme poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa?
· Are our countries committed and doing enough to creating decent jobs and reducing youth unemployment?
· What can we do between now and 2015, in a collaboration between the young people, governments, development partners, civil society and other stakeholders, to meet some of MDGs targets and making sure that all is not lost and we did our best.
· As it is their right, how will we ensure and support West African youth participation in the national, regional and international consultations onPost-2015 Development Agenda and their inputs included in its formulation
We kindly request that you choose any of the Themes best suitable that you could present a paper on during the Post 2015 Regional Summit in Sierra Leone.
Conveners: Youth Millennium Development Ambassadors Initiative 16 Pyne Street, off circular Road, Freetown Sierra Leone. Phone: +23278442956, Please, for more information.
Important Dates to Note:
20th February, 2013, Deadline for full paper submission
25th February, 2013 Notification of acceptance
19th March- -21st March 2013Summit dates
We are inviting proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquies. Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be considered. For more information about the ideas and themes underlying this conference, accommodation, and venue, please email the Summit chairman.
Amb. Paul LENGAR
West Africa Regional Director
Youth Millennium Development Ambassadors
Skype: paul.lenger
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