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Young People in the Commonwealth
Young people (under 30) constitute more than 60% of the population of the Commonwealth,
and the wellbeing and development of this 1.2 billion youth cohort are essential to the
success of the Commonwealth and its 53 member states.
The Commonwealth sees young people as assets to their societies, with a proven capability
to contribute to and lead change. It is vital to ensure they are developed and empowered
to realise their individual potential, and to contribute to their countries’ development and
the success of the Commonwealth.
Accordingly, under its Young Professionals Programme (YPP), the Commonwealth is
designating a number of junior technical positions for young people.
Economic Policy Division
The Economic Policy Division is responsible for the Secretariat’s programmes on national
and international economic issues and, with other divisions, for assisting member countries
to improve economic policy-making, management and governance. The Division plays a key
role in helping to identify solutions to the economic problems affecting Commonwealth
developing countries; in achieving an international consensus on these solutions through
analytical/ diagnostic work and advocacy; and in providing policy advice to governments.
Practical assistance for economic development is a core Secretariat activity and a high
priority for governments.
The International Trade Policy (ITP) Section undertakes policy-oriented research and
analysis and advocacy work on international trade and related development issues as per
the Commonwealth Secretariat Strategic Plan with the objective of helping member
countries achieve effective policy mechanism for integration into and effective participation
in the global trading system. The work programme is directed towards: promoting policy
approaches and actions that aim at fostering multilateral and regional trade, taking account of special requirements of certain developing member country groups in international trade;
enhancing member governments’ capacity to adapt and develop trade policies in tune with
changes in the international trading system; helping member countries and stakeholders
assess the implications arising from emerging developments in regional and multilateral
trade; prompting effective national and regional strategies and approaches to trade cooperation;
and providing policy advice and other forms of assistance with regards to regional
integration involving Commonwealth countries and their greater participation in global
The Section’s activities include undertaking policy analysis and providing informed inputs to
assist Commonwealth Members effectively formulate trade policy, negotiate and implement
multilateral and regional trade agreements, better appreciate the likely implications arising
from emerging trade-related developments and consider appropriate policy measures and
other actions for dealing with them; organising workshops and other events to promote
capacity-building in the related areas; and facilitating dialogue and international consensusbuilding
in support of the adoption of pro-development positions, particularly considering
the special development challenges of Commonwealth countries belonging to the groups of
small and vulnerable economies, least developed countries and Sub-Saharan Africa. In
addition, the Section also contributes to the Division’s and Secretariat’s work on general
development issues.
Job Summary
The Young Professional Officer will be responsible for providing the International Trade
Policy Section technical and administrative support for delivery of analytical work,
organisation of advocacy meetings and capacity building workshops, and preparation and
documentation of policy work. Reporting to the Head of Section of International Trade
Policy, the post holder will undertake policy research including data analysis, literature
review and provide support to the team in key areas of Section’s trade policy work.
Key Accountabilities
Assist the ITP Section with literature review, data analysis, information gathering
and analytical work on trade and trade-related development issues;
Work with the relevant Advisers in conducting analysis on multilateral and regional
trade negotiation issues of interest to member countries;
Assist the Section with data work involving Commonwealth countries’ trade
performance and intra-Commonwealth trade flows;
Assist the ITP Section in the preparatory processes for major publication projects
and their dissemination;
Assist the Section in preparing analytical and briefing papers on such issues of
interest as multilateral and regional trade negotiations, supply chains, South-South
trade, and other trade-related emerging and development issues;
Assist Advisers/Head of Section with research and data analysis for preparing papers
and presentations in different forums; Assist the Section with the preparation of terms of reference and contracts for
external consultants, organising meetings, workshops and conferences as part of the
programme of activities;
Assist in and conduct other trade-related research as required, and contributes to
speeches, presentations and talking points for senior officials.
Adhere to the Gender Equality values of the Commonwealth as enshrined in the
Charter and Secretariat’s Gender Equality Policy.
Performs any other duties as may be required from time to time.
Person Specification
This role forms part of the Young Professionals Programme (YPP), so to be considered
candidates must be no older than 27 years old as at the close of applications.
A strong first degree in Economics, International Trade or related discipline.
A relevant post graduate qualification is highly desirable.
At least one year of demonstrated work experience in the area of Economics or
International Trade. The work experience may be gained through a combination of paid
employment, post graduate research, and placement or internship positions.
Good data analysis/quantitative skills and experience of working on international trade
agreements and/or the functioning of international trade organisations such as the
World Trade Organisation will be advantageous.
Knowledge and Skills:
Excellent understanding of international trade theories and their applications.
Ability to review the literature and other information to prepare concise reports.
Ability to organise, plan and prioritise workload, efficiently and accurately within
tight deadlines with minimum supervision.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Ability to interpret complex trade data/information and instructions.
Ability to maintain confidentiality as appropriate.
Ability to work autonomously and in teams.Competencies:
Working with Others
Regularly shares information of value with colleagues
Shows commitment to delivering on key agreements made to colleagues
Makes an effort to view a situation from the other party’s perspective as well
Demonstrates awareness and sensitivity to colleagues’ pressures
Develops a wide network, including senior level contacts to facilitate activities and further own
Develops long term relationships across cultures and/or geographical boundaries
Uses relationships to identify the best people to help in the completion of tasks
Tactfully deals with difficult people to gain buy-in and manage their expectations
Interacts and communicates effectively with internal/external contacts
Ensures information is communicated to all the appropriate people
Provides feedback to more senior colleagues effectively, providing justification where necessary
Uses the correct method of communication, depending on the message and the audience
Anticipates objections in dialogues and prepares convincing responses
Writes reports and papers that are succinct accounts of key information
Developing & Applying Professional Expertise
Proactively identifies how to develop specialist knowledge
Takes learning from previous experience and applies it appropriately
Demonstrates willingness to learn new skills and/or approaches
Respect for Diversity
Works effectively with people from all backgrounds
Treats all people with dignity and respect. Treats men and women equally
Shows respect and understanding of diverse points of view and demonstrates understanding in
daily work and decision making
Examine own biases and behaviours to avoid stereotypical responses and does not discriminate
against any individual or group
Identifies biases in systems & processes
Adhering to Principles and Values
Adapts professional style to suit different situations with different individuals where appropriate
Takes ownership of assigned tasks, honours deadlines
Ensures timely delivery of outputs within defined cost and quality standard parametersAdapting and Innovating
Recognises opportunities for improvement and proposes change with impact and effect
Drives forward improvements and innovations within own area of responsibility, adding value
where appropriate
Quickly grasps new concepts and how to apply them
Demonstrates flexibility e.g. by working beyond own remit in order to achieve an objective
Will effectively reorganise activities when faced with changing contexts and demands
Promotes new ideas that are picked up by senior colleagues
Adapts personal style to meet the needs of others
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