Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship enables outstanding scientists from
developing countries to carry out research on the conservation and use
of agricultural and forest biodiversity. The research involves
collaboration with an academic institution outside of the fellows’ home
countries. To date, 41 scientists from 25 countries from all regions of
the world have received the Fellowship.
Many studies have focused on crops and species of significant economic, nutritional and cultural importance to the Fellows' home countries; examples include wild and domesticated populations of cactus, ebony, pistachio, cacao, common vetch, peach, oat, wild potato, Grewia optiva, sorghum, fluted pumpkin, oriental beech, emmer wheat and barley.
Many studies have focused on crops and species of significant economic, nutritional and cultural importance to the Fellows' home countries; examples include wild and domesticated populations of cactus, ebony, pistachio, cacao, common vetch, peach, oat, wild potato, Grewia optiva, sorghum, fluted pumpkin, oriental beech, emmer wheat and barley.
The 2015 call for Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship is open
Deadline for applications is 28 February 2015.
Download the 2015 Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship call for research proposals
Download the 2015 Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship application form
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