About AfCoP
Africa Commission of Practice (AfCoP) is a coalition of leaders whose
main objective is to improve the lives of people in Africa through the
Managing for Development Results (MfDR) approach. More than 2500
members (civil servants, parliamentarians, and representatives of the
civil society, the private
sector, the academia, the media and development partners) from 43
African countries have joined the AfCoP since its establishment in 2007
and aim to make their institutions more results-oriented and
focused on the needs of citizens. Managing for development results
(MfDR) understood as a change management process, has been identified as
an effective approach to contribute to overcoming development
constraints. It can help bring about a stronger commitment for regional
integration through building leadership, strengthening institutional
capacity and management systems to deliver better results, as well as
empowering non-state actors to hold decision makers accountable for
achieving tangible results.
African Development Bank (AfDB) is financing the implementation of a
Capacity building project on Managing for Results in Africa called
Africa Knowledge for Results (AfriK4R) which is being implemented by the AfCoP. The aim is to Build
Capacity on Managing for Development Results in the Regional Member
Countries (RMCs) and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). The AfDB
believes in the inclusion of young people in the carrying out of
development activities as it realizes that young people are a symbol of
continuity. Hence the invitation of young people to participate in the
AfriK4R project activities. This initial call is for participation in
Regional meetings, in
Lusaka, Zambia from 14 to 15 May 2013 for the Common
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and mid-April for the
West African Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU) region, with possibility of
further involvement in the project..
Who is eligible to apply?
a) Be between the ages 18-35 at the time of application.
b) We are especially looking for one to two participants for each of the following countries: Benin,
Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Burundi, DRC,
Djibouti, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
c) Commitment to impart lessons learnt and MfDR agenda to your peers and networks
d) Be a member of a Youth Organisation or work with a professional firm, non-profit or Government agency.
e) Young women are strongly encouraged to apply.
Download the Application form here
Application Deadline: March 20, 2013
Good luck !
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