CYP Caribbean is
part of the Youth Affairs Division (YAD) of the Commonwealth Secretariat. YAD operates from a pan-Commonwealth
international office at the Commonwealth Secretariat’s headquarters in London
and four regional CYP centres located in Africa (Zambia), Caribbean (India),
the Caribbean (Guyana) and the Pacific (Solomon Islands) and the
pan-Commonwealth Office in London, United Kingdom.
YAD focuses on areas of major political,
economic and social importance to young people, based on mandates received from
CHOGMs and Commonwealth Youth Ministers’ Meetings (CYMMs). The Commonwealth
Plan of Action for Youth Empowerment (PAYE), developed by YAD in partnership
with youth development stakeholders, provides encouragement and guidance to
member governments and other development organisations to create the optimum
enabling environment for young people to participate as equal partners in
development and democracy.
The work of YAD is anchored in
the belief that empowered young people are assets to their societies. YAD’s work traditionally facilitates and
supports spaces and access for young leaders and country representatives to
participate in decision-making opportunities at Commonwealth and other
national, regional and global forums.
All our work is underpinned by the
Commonwealth Plan for Action on Youth Empowerment (2007-2015), which provides
an excellent framework and indicators for youth centred policies and
programmes. Specifically, the CYP develops and implements programmes around
three strategic work areas that articulate with the Commonwealth Secretariat’s
main goals on poverty alleviation and democracy and governance. CYP’s three strategic Programme Strategic areas are:
- Governance, Development And Youth Networks (GDYN)- ;
- Youth Enterprise And Economic Empowerment (YEE) and
- Youth Work, Education And Training (YWET)
1. Build enabling frameworks that embrace and support socially, politically and economically empowered young people through:-
a. Advocacy for and initiate / strengthen frameworks for integrated youth engagement and empowerment.
Areas of work will include technical assistance and support for national and regional youth-relevant policies and environments; advocacy for investment in youth ministries and programmes; development and sharing of frameworks, guidelines and tools (e.g. for financial inclusion, youth mainstreaming, sport for development and peace); and creation of a Youth Development Index (YDI).
b.Advocacy for and support the professionalisation of youth development work.
Areas of work will include competency standards for youth development work; exploration and facilitation of tertiary level and short courses in youth development work; advocacy and support for recognition of youth work as a profession, and for establishment of national and pan-Commonwealth youth worker associations.
2. Networks, platforms, institutions and mechanisms for engagement and empowerment of
young people developed and supported, and enhanced youth-led activity through:-
a. Establishing and supporting functional national, regional and pan-Commonwealth youth networks and platforms.
a. Areas of work will include technical assistance and support for national, regional and pan-Commonwealth youth networks (National Youth Councils, Commonwealth Youth Council, Commonwealth Students’ Association, Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs); platforms for youth voice and facilitated interaction (, Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting, Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting, Youth Forums at CHOGM and Ministerial Meetings, networks on Commonwealth Connects)
b. Building capacity of national, regional and international governments / institutions / mechanisms in youth development and programming.
a. Areas of work will include technical assistance for youth development projects (sport for development and peace, civil paths to peace); training of trainers (youth workers, ministry officials, youth leaders) in various aspects of youth development, (democratic leadership, entrepreneurship, peace building and human rights); advocacy for and employment of young talent; celebration of young people
Outcomes in all areas will be pursued with a specific focus on democratic leadership, youth employment (especially entrepreneurship), sport for development and peace, and civil paths to peace.
The Youth Internship Programme:
The internships
will provide a space for young people to contribute more robustly to the design
and implementation of YAD’s strategic programmes and services for Commonwealth
The position is
for six months from March 25th to September
31, 2013. CYP Caribbean will rely on the professional training and
knowledge of the interns and their planning, networking and logistical skills,
among others, while contributing to an exciting bring-learn ratio for the young
gain exposure and experience, not widely available during their educational
- To bridge the gap between formal education and a career;
- To inject creativity, enthusiasm and entrepreneurial ideas to empower young people to develop their career goals and to gain valuable experience;
- To provide participants with an international perspective of youth development;
- To assist young professionals in enhancing their current skills and developing new ones; and
- To ensure the presence and continual programme development input of young Commonwealth citizens.
Candidates interested in the job should submit the following information either electronically or in a hard copy by February 28, 2013 as per details below:
Copy of current Curriculum
Vitae (CV)
Letter of support from the
government ministry/agency responsible for youth (desirable but not essential).
A write–up not exceeding two
pages indicating the following:
Why you are seeking an
international attachment and what qualities you possess that would support a
successful Internship;
How your participation in this
programme fits into your future career goals;· What skills you have from any previous volunteer work or educational experience;
· Any international experience either through travelling, living or volunteering abroad; and
· How you will prepare and adapt to living and working in a new culture and country.
A legible photocopy of your
passport, birth certificate or residency status – to verify age and citizenship
Completed application form
(attached) with one recent passport size photograph.6. Two letters of reference.
- Share in the realisation of the programme’s objectives
- Agree to a pre and post internship assessment of skills
- Carry out tasks outlined in their Internship
- Respect duration of the internship and fulfil the term of the Internship
- Take responsibility for and contribute to the objectives of the internship.
- Manage their funds in a responsible manner, including returning any funds, which they have not earned should they leave their internship early.
- Submit to CYP Caribbean written reports at six weeks, the mid-point of their Internship and at the end of their internship.
- Contribute to the cost of their internship as outlined below in the section entitled “Participants Finances and Budget Responsibilities”
Recruit participants according to eligibility guidelines
Develop agreements with participants;
Carry out pre and post Internship skills assessment of the selected participants;
Provide a monthly stipend;
Provide ongoing guidance and support for the duration of the internship;
Provide full-time career development experience for the participant
Provide necessary office space and equipment;
Provide a monthly rent for accommodation for participants recruited from outside of the duty station of the CYP Caribbean Office; if required;
Develop an activity plan in collaboration with the intern;
· Take reasonable precautions to ensure a safe and secure Internship environment free from harassment; and
· Provide the intern and the host government/organisation with regular updates on the Internship – one at the mid-point of the Internship and one at the conclusion of the Internship.
Participant Preparation before departure
Part of the
preparation for the Internship involves participation in a pre-departure
briefing by e.mail/telephone. The briefing introduces participants to the
Commonwealth Secretariat, as well as providing information on travel and health
issues, adaptation and country specific information.
Participant Finances and Budget Responsibilities
While CYP Caribbean
is responsible for assisting the participants to cover the cost of their living
expenses while they are involved in the programme, applicants should be aware
that not all their costs would be covered by the stipend. Preparations costs such as immunisations,
extended health insurance, trip cancellation and items of a personal nature,
for instance, will be the responsibility of the participant.
will receive a monthly stipend for the period of their Internship. This is payable monthly in arrears. The
current monthly consolidated stipend ranges from US $500.00 (to U$ 1,000.00
depending on level of qualifications and experience. - A monthly allowance to cover accommodation for non-Guyanese participants;
- Two days paid leave and one day medical leave per month.
- One return economy class airfare to home country for non-Guyanese participants.
- Participation in select CYP programme work in participating member states (duty travel)
- Travel and subsistence allowance for mission travel.
Please submit applications
clearly marked Internship Opportunity
to the following:
Mail: Regional DirectorCommonwealth Youth Programme Caribbean Centre
Homestretch Avenue, Durban Park, Georgetown, Guyana
Tel: 011 592 226 8565; 3064 Fax: 011592 226 8371
Or scan and submit all documentation to
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